Funny, how you recognize your reviewees
as your own RNs when they've been utilizing their OWN knowledge and
efforts throughout the whole 4 (or almost 5) years of searing brows (term I got
from my highschool Alma Mater song. *wink) and hardwork just to imbibe nursing.
We all spent much of these 4 years in our school, hospitals, clinics, RHUs, and
in the community giving patient/client care and drained ourselves doing case
studies, return demos, nursing care plans (NCPs) and stuff for us to gain
competency and to prepare for the licensure examination. But, why do these review
centers keep on attaching their names, like somehow, claiming the breakthrough
of each of the students who have passed the Nursing Licensure Exam as if those
were theirs? Yes, you've been there to sustain for what's lacking for a couple
of months or three to refresh the graduates' memory (giving you a credit for
that) but, I think the schools deserve that credit more than you do, who had been there all through and/or might as
well the students themselves.
Just keeping it real. ;)
Disclaimer: Sorry for the alternating person mode of narration.
Thanks for reading.
God bless.
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